"Choose With Love" Trailer

It’s here! This is an exciting moment for me. Choose With Love is a project that I’ve been working on in the midst of other studio projects for the last decade. Even on the days when I didn’t feel like making much of anything, there was always something small I could do toward this project.

Nature has been a real comfort and joy for me particularly during this time of social isolation. It’s been an incredibly difficult time to be a parent with so many new challenges to navigate with each new wave. I think I need it to be over, even if only in my mind, so I’m declaring it.

Choose With Love has been an incredibly fun project for me. It took me around 10 years to develop my illustrative style for this book using collections I found in nature. I imagine I’ll continue to develop this style over time. I didn’t know exactly what it was I was making in the beginning. I just loved working on it, and I kept coming back to it.

The trailer premiered on March 29th, and there was an amazing outpouring of love and support from family and friends. I feel truly blessed. A huge thank you goes out to Tim Gera for his incredible animation skills, and thank you to my husband, Lou, for composing the music with such care and consideration.

Here’s the link on YouTube, and please share if you feel called to do so: https://youtu.be/uJ2RSaAt_xw

Thanks for watching!